ANY: drive any car to the trailhead; roads are paved and trailhead is easily accessible
AWD: use an all-wheel drive or four-wheel drive; roads are unpaved, bumpy and high clearance is recommended
HI: high sun exposure; bring sunscreen!
MED: medium exposure with a mix of tree cover
LOW: low exposure with high coverage from wind, rain and sun
YES: restroom available; either a port-a-potty or a visitor’s center
NO: restroom unavailable; bring a trowel and please pack out your TP in a ziplock bag
How do you rate your trails?
STARS ⭐: [5 stars is the highest rating for most difficult and most scenic]
We want these trail views to be worth your time!
MILEAGE: [rounded up/down to the nearest half mile]
Our recorded trail mileage averaged with community recordings
AVG TIME: [rounded up/down to the nearest half hour]
Comparable to AllTrails average completion time
ELEV GAIN: [feet]
An average of our recorded elevation, AllTrails and multiple blogs
TYPE: [Loop, Lollipop, Out + Back, Point to Point]
We often will add a recommendation in the Know Before You Go if we prefer a clockwise loop or otherwise
PARKING: [Road-side, unpaved lot, paved lot]
We want to help you get to the trailhead more quickly
WHEN TO GO: [Year-Round, specified months]
We highly recommend clicking into the AllTrails page and filtering by most recent reviews to read about trail conditions and equipment needed (ie Gore-tex shoes, micro-spikes, poles)
PASS: [America The Beautiful, NW Forest, day-use fee, parking fee]
We highly recommend the America The Beautiful pass for the best “bang-for-your-buck” and also stashing $5-10 cash in your car in case the pass is not valid at that trailhead
Note: Some trails require a parking fee in addition to a day-use fee; when there is an additional fee or pass required, we will be sure to clarify!
REGION: [Forest, NP or State Park]
See State Map at the bottom of each state page for easy navigation
COORDINATES [latitude, longitude]
See Google Maps link on each trail page to get to your destination
Our short-form version of trail tips in addition to doing your own research! Have fun on the trail!
Other Questions?
Contact us here!